Sunday, September 26, 2010

Change of Address

If you're a regular reader, you may or may not have noticed the focus of this blog subtly changing lately.  It's become more of a general movie review blog and shifted away from its original focus on "disreputable film and music".  It's reached the point where I feel the name Utter Trash no longer accurately reflects the content.  With that in mind, I've decided to start from scratch with a new blog.

It's called The Cleveland Movie Blog (  The intent of this new blog will be to offer reviews of as many of the films playing theaters in Northeast Ohio as possible.  I'll also be offering news about local filmmakers and movie related events taking place in the area.  I'll still be including reviews of new straight to video films, including plenty of cult, horror and exploitation flicks.  That kind of stuff just won't be my primary focus anymore.  So if you like reading my stuff and this new direction doesn't bother you, please add the new site to your bookmarks, "follow" the new blog and/or subscribe to posts using the RSS feed, and tell any of your friends you think might be interested.


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